Geen hoogtepunten van de dag waren:
-haar reactie op de drukte toen Timmie op bezoek kwam ("usje nie gooien" toen er vanalles door de lucht vloog...)
-tanden poetsen en spoelen
-het namiddagdipje
-het vol uur moeten wachten op een pilleke tegen de misselijkheid nadat we gebeld hadden.
En de chemo, hij liep gestadig voort
Making pizza was the highlight of the day. An activity in the playroom with no parents allowed. 2 hours non stop of dough making, cutting olives, garnishing with cheese... Also nice for the parents, some time for yourself, although it is very difficult to stay away for long, what if she gets faint/has to go to the toilet/gets nausea/gets hungry/...
Not highlights of the day where
-her reaction to the "crowd" when Tim came to visit ("sister no throwing..." when stuff started flying through the air)
-brushing teeth
-the afternoon dip
-the full hour we had to wait for a pill against nausea after we had pushed the button to call the nurse...
And the chemo keeps going...
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