Uit haar bed moeten zetten om op tijd te zijn voor bloedcontrole in GHB om 8u30
Uurtje wachten
Vingerprikje mislukt, er moet opnieuw geprikt.
Wij kennen dat; geen vingerprik meer; direct maar via poortje; alleen er zit geen verdovende zalf op. Dan maar zonder, want "Emla is voor flauwerikken" dixit Sofie ;-).
Weer wachten.
Ze moet plaatjes bij, weer wachten op de plaatjes.
Na de plaatjes plots keiharde keelpijn. Allergische reactie? Geen koorts. Dafalgan en om 14u mogen we vertrekken.
Bij opa en oma met haar neefje Bert. Het gaat haar supergoed. Ze speelt, ze eet met smaak, ze heeft plezier en verheugd zich op een paar zorgeloze dagen bij opa en oma met (rustig) verjaardagsfeestje voor nichtje An
Niks zorgeloos. Plots; uit het niets, koorts die stilaan weer flink de hoogte in gaat. Bij 38,5 toch maar weer richting het Leuvense getrokken. In de auto doorgestegen naar 38,8 en de auto ondergekotst, misselijk van filmpje te kijken waarschijnlijk..
In het ziekenhuis aangekomen zit ze boven 39,5. Maar ze heeft niks; nergens pijn, zelfs geen snottebel.
De procedure schiet weer in gang: isolatie, bloedculturen, keelwissers, antibiotica. Haar neutrofielen (de witte bloedlichaampjes die vechten tegen de bacterien) staan nog quasi op nul dus dan wordt er geen risico genomen.
Sofie heeft wel veel spijt dat ze is moeten terugkomen van opa en oma, maar is gerustgesteld dat het verjaardagsfeestje van An op haar gaat wachten
In het donker prutst Mama de hoes van Sofie haar autostoel om nog te kunnen wassen, de stank in de auto spreekt boekdelen.
In het donker zet papa ontelbare keren tijdens de nacht jet alarm van de infuuspomp af. De eerste uren na zo'n opname moet er veel medicatie in, wat alrm geeft telkens als dat op is.
Koorts is weg. Ze is vrolijk, ze eet, ze speelt. Was het toch nog een reactie op die plaatjes? Maar we zitten zeker nog tot morgen vast op de kamer...
Friday morning
Got her out of bed early to go for blood check at 8.30am
Needle in the finger
Wait an hour
Blood test failed, need to sting again
We know this: no more using the finger, use her catheder; only there is no sedative ointment on it. So we do it without, because, as Sofie says: "that is for whoosies"
Wait again an hour
She needs platelets, wait for the platelets to arrive
After the transfusion, all of a sudden a heavy throat ache. Allergic reaction? No fever though... After some paracetamol, we are given permission to leave. It is 2pm.
Friday afternoon
At her grandmother and grandfather's place with her nephew. All is really well. She plays, she eats, she has fun and is looking forward to a few carefree days with her grandparents and a (quiet) party for her niece An.
Friday evening
bye bye carefree. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a fever that starts rising. At 38,5C started driving towards Leuven, where we live and the hospital is. 38,8C in the car and puked all over it, nauseous from iPad in the car.
Arrived at the hospital, her fever is spiking to 39,5C. But she doesn't have any pain or anything, not even a cough...
The whole procedure starts again: isolation, blood cultures, throat samples, antibiotics... Her neutrofiles (the white bloodcells that take care of bacteria) are virtually zero so they don't take any risks.
Sofie has a lot of regrets that she had to leave her retreat at the grandparents, but is happy the birthday party will wait for her...
Friday night
In the dark, Mummy tries to get the cover of Sofie's car seat to wash,... the smell in the car is unbearable...
In the dark, Daddy shuts up the alarm of her medicin pump a thousand times when they have to change out for another medication...
Fever is gone. She is cheerful, eating, playing. Was it a reaction to the blood transfusion? Anyhow, we are locked into the hospital room for at least another day...
Friday morning
Got her out of bed early to go for blood check at 8.30am
Needle in the finger
Wait an hour
Blood test failed, need to sting again
We know this: no more using the finger, use her catheder; only there is no sedative ointment on it. So we do it without, because, as Sofie says: "that is for whoosies"
Wait again an hour
She needs platelets, wait for the platelets to arrive
After the transfusion, all of a sudden a heavy throat ache. Allergic reaction? No fever though... After some paracetamol, we are given permission to leave. It is 2pm.
Friday afternoon
At her grandmother and grandfather's place with her nephew. All is really well. She plays, she eats, she has fun and is looking forward to a few carefree days with her grandparents and a (quiet) party for her niece An.
Friday evening
bye bye carefree. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a fever that starts rising. At 38,5C started driving towards Leuven, where we live and the hospital is. 38,8C in the car and puked all over it, nauseous from iPad in the car.
Arrived at the hospital, her fever is spiking to 39,5C. But she doesn't have any pain or anything, not even a cough...
The whole procedure starts again: isolation, blood cultures, throat samples, antibiotics... Her neutrofiles (the white bloodcells that take care of bacteria) are virtually zero so they don't take any risks.
Sofie has a lot of regrets that she had to leave her retreat at the grandparents, but is happy the birthday party will wait for her...
Friday night
In the dark, Mummy tries to get the cover of Sofie's car seat to wash,... the smell in the car is unbearable...
In the dark, Daddy shuts up the alarm of her medicin pump a thousand times when they have to change out for another medication...
Fever is gone. She is cheerful, eating, playing. Was it a reaction to the blood transfusion? Anyhow, we are locked into the hospital room for at least another day...
Wat begint als de gedachte van paar wat 'rust ' draait dan op paar uren uit tot hele andere planning. Ik blijf er van verwonderd Hoe jullie anticiperen op dit alles. Dikke duim zou hanne zeggen !