We zijn de weekend best wel goed doorgeraakt. Sofie blijft vreten en vrolijk, al kwam er naar maandag toe wel al hier en daar een barstje in, die bloedwaarden zijn alweer aan het dalen. Maar ze blijft superactief en TV of iPad lijken niet eens meer te bestaan:
-vriendinnetje komen spelen en ze kon keigoe meespelen, superleuk.
-Tim gaan aanmoedigen in het zwembad
-Oma helpen kerstkaarten maken
-Oefenen met schaken
-mee op bezoek bij oude vrienden van mama, poortjes vergelijken
-Sinterklaasfilm Ay Ramon gaan zien in de cinema. Indien u het zich afvroeg: op een schoolnamiddag is er dus echt geen kat in de cinema bij een kinderfilm
-gekken met Tim
Maar vooral en bovenal: er is een belangrijke klik. Plots is de kinesist superleuk en wil ze er ook in het weekend naartoe. En ze probeert voorzichtig en met hulp te stappen.
Morgen dinsdag moeten we terug naar Leiden op controle. Met de regen rekenen we toch op een 7-tal uur in de auto in totaal. Dat is waar wij niet naar uit zien. Sofie maakt zich vooral zorgen dat haar beentje even uit het gips moet ginder...
We got through the weekend quite ok. Sofie keeps on eating and eating and is cheerful, al though Monday her cheerful state started showing cracks, due to her bloodlevels decreasing. But she remains very active and TV and iPad don't even seem to exist anymore:
-A friend came to play and she could participate fully, lots of fun
-She went to cheer on Tim in the swimming pool
-Helping her grandmother to make Christmas Cards
-Practicing her chess game
-Go visit old friends of mummy, compare port catheders...
-Went to see the saint Nicholas movie, Ay Ramon. In case you were wondering: On a school afternoon there really is nobody in the cinema in a kids movie
-playing hard and laughing a lot with Tim
But most of all: there is an important click. All of a sudden she likes going to physio and even wants to go in the weekend. And she is trying to walk again with help from daddy.
Tomorrow Tuesday we have to go back to the hospital in the Netherlands for a check up of her leg. With all the rain, we are counting on 7 hours in the car. That is what we are dreading, what Sofie is dreading is that she has to remove her cast there...
We got through the weekend quite ok. Sofie keeps on eating and eating and is cheerful, al though Monday her cheerful state started showing cracks, due to her bloodlevels decreasing. But she remains very active and TV and iPad don't even seem to exist anymore:
-A friend came to play and she could participate fully, lots of fun
-She went to cheer on Tim in the swimming pool
-Helping her grandmother to make Christmas Cards
-Practicing her chess game
-Go visit old friends of mummy, compare port catheders...
-Went to see the saint Nicholas movie, Ay Ramon. In case you were wondering: On a school afternoon there really is nobody in the cinema in a kids movie
-playing hard and laughing a lot with Tim
But most of all: there is an important click. All of a sudden she likes going to physio and even wants to go in the weekend. And she is trying to walk again with help from daddy.
Tomorrow Tuesday we have to go back to the hospital in the Netherlands for a check up of her leg. With all the rain, we are counting on 7 hours in the car. That is what we are dreading, what Sofie is dreading is that she has to remove her cast there...
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